Thursday 13 August 2015

How toTreatment for the erectile dysfunction (ED) in men

From engaging in sexual relationships, many men are due to disorders of libido, wife to be unable to give full of joy.Some of them, lack of sperm, without the high erectile dysfunction(ED) , there may be complications such as loss of sexual appetite.They do not need to be afraid of anything. There are many different herbs in Siddha medicine will solve the problems of sexual .


Hormonal changes, cause damage to the male reproductive organ, the chromosome variations, MUMPS, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, mental changes, smoking, alcohol and drug addiction, the effects of pesticides, such as radiation exposure and wearing tight underwear.

Siddha medicines simple solutions:

  • Powdered palm tuber, take a tablespoon of milk mixed with sugar and eat.                                            
  • Mucuna pruriens seed, Nelly chips, with an equal amount of powdered them, eat with a spoon, mix in sugar to take.                                                                                                                                    
  • Eaten with a spoon, add an equal amount of powdered candy Withania Somnifera.                             
  • Pumpkin juice of the tubers with the milk, add sugar and eat.                                                               
  • Mix in the milk and drink, with the amount of ground lotus orital Baku.                                              
  • Pollen of lotus with powdered sugar, honey and eat.                                                                             
  • Isometric nirmulli seed, seed pomegranates powdered, mixed with butter eaten with a spoon.            
  • Pin drumstick leaves, ghee, rice flour and eaten by adding camaittuc.                                                                     
  • Vilvap resin, almond, with an equal amount of powdered resin, with a quarter of the spoon, add milk drink.                                                                                                                                                  
  • To take one spoon Novel root powder with in  four part of water to eat

What are the foods for sexual health:

Cashew nuts, almonds, pista, drumstick and nimble, pomegranate, mango, jack and nimble, jack fruit, gourd, lemon, spinach, half a lettuce, cilantro lettuce, wheat, SAGO, black gram, dill, groundnut.

To avoid:

More spicy, bitter foods, cigarettes and drugs.

How To preventing asthma attacks from Human

For increasing industrial, motor cycles, cars, vans and some of vehicle to produce pollution of environmental.This Asthma having today is an most important place of illness.

Now Let's see about the reason of Asthma, steps to preventing asthma attacks and symptoms.

What is Asthma?

      Asthma is define as one of the disease of lung attack. Inflammation of the muscles of the respiratory tract, it would be difficulty to breathing.

What are the Factor that cause asthma?

  • To Smoking
  • Particle rope and sawdust
  • Hair of pets
  • Breathing in air pollution
  • Frequently changing climate
  • Depression
  • Black smoking emerging from the vehicles
  • Colds
  • Sneezing allergies
  • clan of family
what are the asthma symptoms?
  • Shortness of breath (Wheezing Problems)
  • Frequently cough, sneezing like problem
  • change to face and Lip in Purple color
  • Frequently and suddenly cause of respiratory failure.
  • Often sweat due to tension, fear 
  • Chest pain
  • Irregular heart beat.
Solution for asthma attack:
  • The environment should be kept clean.
  • advice to the doctor to take 'inhaler therapy' and 'pills'.
  • Presence is very necessary to clean.
  • Hot foods should be consumed only.
  • Live in dust free place.
  • Beverage and eating in hotel to avoid.
  • Periodic testing of physical condition, and have to follow the physician's advice.
Procedure for Preventing asthma attacks:-
  • Especially to keep clean your bed room, often have to change the bed sheet,pillow cover.
  • Need to clean house without dust.
  • To should be tied in the face mask while removing the dirt.
  • To keep AC ( Air Conditioner) in normal condition.
  • Should eat only for clean foods.
  • Cockroach and Mite must take care not come to house home.
  • When the Two Wheeler vehicle must wear a helmet completely overshadows the nose or to wear the face mask.
  • If there is too mush dust in the factory or at work places should be forced to wear mask.
  • Do not hold the cigarette, and cigarette smokers do not stand near.
  • Respiratory testing will be done once a year.
  • It means there is no need to avoid allergies.
  • These precautionary measures are taken, the problem can help prevents asthma. Those already, it can be looked at from becoming active.

how to reduce fat from abdomen in 10 days (or) Top 10 ways to reduce Your fat from abdomen

we can not reduce the belly fat within 10 days.but we will be  follow the some of the way (Eating diet, exercise and lifestyle ) to bring changes in 10 days the chances of getting a flat stomach. To reduce the fat in the abdominal area. We can Must follow a specific diet and exercise strategies. If you want to reduce fat in the body stagnant. To increase the Metabolic rate flat stomach in 10 days if you follow the following ways.

let's we can see about fastest way lose stomach fat:

DAY 1:

The first step to getting a quickest way to a flat stomach, the house will have to eliminate all the junk foods. Instead of junk foods to change the rich in nutrients and fiber, rich in fruits, vegetables, chicken / duck, thin beef, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, beans, nuts, beans. Hot Docs or cacej or   to avoid candies at home. We should avoid one by one Day alone all carbohydrate foods.

To Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily to clean and remove fat in your body.You can Try get a flat stomach for fast,  to Fasting in before 3-5 day.At the time of fasting, we will drink 3-5 Apple juice.To take 2 tablespoons apple juice and 1 teaspoon of honey in 8 ounces of Organic Apple disciple mix with clean water. When you begin the process of reducing the fat and drink this 2-3 times.

Day 2:
On this day, to eat a lot of Boiled food or raw vegetables.To eat chicken soup and then to Reduce to fat in the stomach.Do something once, to eat with in 2-3 hours.You are exercise regularly, the changes that have been made on foods continue with the exercise. If you not exercise, engage in moderate exercise such as walking for 20 minutes.

Day 3:
            You will be Eat 50 grams of carbohydrates for breakfast. To reduce the fat faster, it mainly in foods containing a low level of  Corps. It should be contains 50 grams of carbohydrates in a cup of oatmeal porridge. For some other time to eat the protein-containing thin Partake for small sized dishes. to eat Wall protein, yogurt, fruits and vegetables . to reduce cholesterol level by use olive oil or fish oil .To avoid  like that Mayonnaise, margarine, butter, vegetable oil.

You do to exercise Such as breathing exercises to keep the brand started to loose abdominal fat. When you having sitting, keep regrouping, to the extent possible to reduce your bottom portion. Inhale while lowering drag. Wait for a few minutes, then slowly breathe out and cut off the top portion of the Bring. Follow  this exercise for 10 times.

Day 4:

To eat breakfast such as 3 omelet with the nucleus of an egg white and vegetables or greens .For Including boiled chicken with mixed red pepper  or turkey curry with cucumber eat for snacks.To eat lauch break for Vegetables, chicken, mixed with olive oil on salads.Do not eat more than 150 gram of chiken.

when you having hungry, to eat peas or take a handful of nuts.This will be go on your appetite.To Remove the excess fat around the stomach,  need to engage in some sort of crunches exercise.If your hands tied behind the head, fold the knee, keeping the focus firmly on the ground feet. Tight abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders off the floor. Do this three times.

Day 5:

In this day, to eat for low level of fat milk and eat fruit.You can eat one or two bananas.It gives your body  enough karpohaitret. To Eat fill of the vegetable soup or salad and get the availability of adequate nutrients.Do large-scale exercise will sit drinking water.To drink large amount of water and do to exercise.

Day 6:
To eat breakfast for Green beans, prepared in a whole bunch of egg laying, the egg yolk and the white of tomatoes.  Fish ,fillet or chicken on the grill and served with curry snack. Fruits and vegetables should be taken five times. Do sit down and rising up from walking on all workouts. To reduce the fat faster, increase the number of exercises are crunches and sit ups.

Day 7:

Grill made of boiled chicken / duck cooked with the curry or grill made of tomatoes to eat breakfast. To eat Brazil Nuts or watermelon seeds  to snack for the breakfast.Make change of the currently exercise for Aerobic exercise.To change exercise,Vibration caused in the body and Mettapalik Rate will be increases.So,Dissolve fat from the stomach faster.To take 30 minutes of aerobic exercise .

Day 8:

To avoid Low nutrient rich foods.To eat a full Wheat bread and with made ​​of 2 white egg omelet for break fast. Keep drinking 10-12 glasses of water .Soy crisps , fruits soaked in yogurt and eat healthy snacks .Include swimming exercise with the exercises done more smoothly .

Day 9:

For All  low calories vegetables to eat throughout the day.This will help your digestive system clean up stagnant fats .To get more benefit, to eat fiber rich vegetables and Increase training to walk 40 minutes .

Day 10:

To eat at breakfast with whole grain cereal and berries , take at the time of low fat and high fiber snacks and soups.Try to engage in exercise , using a variety of skipping.

You will to change the flat stomach? To reach this goal , particularly within 10 days ? Then you will have follow the aforementioned diet and healthy exercise program , mettapalik increasing rate , and lose abdominal fat .... !